Открыть кейс Dota 2 - AXE

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Количество открытий кейса


Особо редкие предметы в этом кейсе

610.83 Armor of the Foulfell Corruptor
Armor of the Foulfell Corruptor
1147.87 Armor of the Shattered Vanguard
Armor of the Shattered Vanguard
533.76 Battleaxe of the Basilisk
Battleaxe of the Basilisk
316.48 Pauldrons of the Shattered Vanguard
Pauldrons of the Shattered Vanguard
787.1 Wyvernguard Edge
Wyvernguard Edge

Содержимое кейса

230.87 Almond the Frondillo
Almond the Frondillo
9.84 Armor of the Snowpack Savage
Armor of the Snowpack Savage
5.74 Armor of the Wrathful Annihilator
Armor of the Wrathful Annihilator
249.25 Axe of the Shattered Vanguard
Axe of the Shattered Vanguard
6.56 Axe of the Snowpack Savage
Axe of the Snowpack Savage
45.09 Berserker's Witchslayer
Berserker's Witchslayer
245.15 Blood Chaser
Blood Chaser
32.8 Corpsemaker
16.4 Crucible of Rile
Crucible of Rile
2.46 Edgebearer's Helm
Edgebearer's Helm
27.88 Executioner's Hood
Executioner's Hood
15.58 Forgemaster's Apron
Forgemaster's Apron
59.85 Golden Crucible of Rile
Golden Crucible of Rile
12.29 Harbinger of War
Harbinger of War
10.66 Набор «Heavy Steel Armor»
Набор «Heavy Steel Armor»
63.13 Helm of the Shattered Vanguard
Helm of the Shattered Vanguard
113.15 Little Blink Dagger
Little Blink Dagger
232.03 Mantle of the Cinder Baron
Mantle of the Cinder Baron
23.78 Mountain Splitter
Mountain Splitter
33.62 Nightmare Blade
Nightmare Blade
12.29 Pauldrons of the Warboss
Pauldrons of the Warboss
7.38 Ragestone Axe
Ragestone Axe
3.28 Ram's Head Blade
Ram's Head Blade
21.32 Rampant Outrage
Rampant Outrage
6.56 Reaver
171.36 Red General's Soul Splitter
Red General's Soul Splitter
4.92 Red Guard
Red Guard
30.34 Набор «Red Mist Reaper»
Набор «Red Mist Reaper»
21.32 Red Mist Reaper's Scythe
Red Mist Reaper's Scythe
3.28 Набор «Saberhorn's Armor»
Набор «Saberhorn's Armor»
241.05 Taunt: Come and Get It!
Taunt: Come and Get It!
3.28 Набор «The Red Conqueror»
Набор «The Red Conqueror»
4.92 Vindicator