Open case Dota 2 - PRICKLY

High chance of the expensive items fallout in cases Dota 2 and fast withdrawal of funds!





Limited edition

This case has a limited number of openings, have time to open it before the limit has expired!

6,346 / 8,000

Extra rare items in this case

32.26 Auspicious Blades of Voth Domosh
Auspicious Blades of Voth Domosh
75.08 Autographed Golden Nothlic Burden
Autographed Golden Nothlic Burden
42.41 Autographed Golden Ripper's Reel
Autographed Golden Ripper's Reel
23.02 Autographed Great Sage's Reckoning
Autographed Great Sage's Reckoning
19.24 Autographed Helm of the Savage Monger
Autographed Helm of the Savage Monger
31.71 Autographed Tempest Helm of the Thundergod
Autographed Tempest Helm of the Thundergod
17.43 Autographed Voidhammer
Autographed Voidhammer

Case items

3.54 Alluvion Prophecy
Alluvion Prophecy
0.62 Arc of Manta
Arc of Manta
9.39 Armor of Twisted Maelstrom
Armor of Twisted Maelstrom
1.36 Autographed Baneful Devotion
Autographed Baneful Devotion
1.49 Autographed Basher of Mage Skulls
Autographed Basher of Mage Skulls
5.3 Autographed Bracers of Aeons
Autographed Bracers of Aeons
4.13 Autographed Crux of Perplex
Autographed Crux of Perplex
0.15 Autographed Darkfall Warden Hair
Autographed Darkfall Warden Hair
6.48 Autographed Empyrean
Autographed Empyrean
2.26 Autographed Flight of the Undying Light
Autographed Flight of the Undying Light
1.1 Autographed Fluttering Mortis
Autographed Fluttering Mortis
2.23 Autographed Golden Fortune's Tout
Autographed Golden Fortune's Tout
14.25 Autographed Golden Scavenging Guttleslug
Autographed Golden Scavenging Guttleslug
6.55 Autographed Golden Shadow Masquerade
Autographed Golden Shadow Masquerade
1.76 Autographed Helm of the Foulfell Corruptor
Autographed Helm of the Foulfell Corruptor
1 Autographed Jade Reckoning
Autographed Jade Reckoning
1.62 Autographed Malefic Drake's Hood
Autographed Malefic Drake's Hood
3.47 Autographed Mask of the Demon Trickster
Autographed Mask of the Demon Trickster
0.7 Autographed Mecha Boots of Travel Mk III
Autographed Mecha Boots of Travel Mk III
3.1 Autographed Paraflare Cannon
Autographed Paraflare Cannon
4.67 Autographed Pterois of the Coastal Kingdom
Autographed Pterois of the Coastal Kingdom
5.59 Autographed Reaper's Wreath
Autographed Reaper's Wreath
0.32 Autographed Searing Dominator
Autographed Searing Dominator
1.77 Autographed Severing Lash
Autographed Severing Lash
9.51 Autographed Shatterblast Crown
Autographed Shatterblast Crown
1.76 Autographed Shearing Deposition
Autographed Shearing Deposition
3.99 Autographed Solar Forge
Autographed Solar Forge
1.46 Autographed Sufferwood Sapling
Autographed Sufferwood Sapling
15.07 Autographed Sullen Hollow
Autographed Sullen Hollow
8.45 Autographed Sullen Rampart
Autographed Sullen Rampart
1.36 Autographed Symbol of the King Restored
Autographed Symbol of the King Restored
0.78 Autographed The Barren Vector
Autographed The Barren Vector
1.31 Autographed Tormented Staff
Autographed Tormented Staff
1.12 Autographed Unbroken Fealty
Autographed Unbroken Fealty
1.68 Autographed Vigil Signet
Autographed Vigil Signet
1.46 Autographed Wings of Daybreak
Autographed Wings of Daybreak
7.15 Autographed World Chasm Artifact
Autographed World Chasm Artifact
15.19 Genuine Claddish Cudgel
Genuine Claddish Cudgel
1.76 Genuine Shoulders of the Black Wind Raven
Genuine Shoulders of the Black Wind Raven
11.74 Genuine Sullen Hollow
Genuine Sullen Hollow
3.92 Genuine The Golden Barb of Skadi
Genuine The Golden Barb of Skadi
2.59 Immortal Treasure I 2017
Immortal Treasure I 2017
2.01 Infused Dress of the Bewitching Flare
Infused Dress of the Bewitching Flare
1.76 Inscribed Taunt: Spider Shuffle
Inscribed Taunt: Spider Shuffle
2.42 Taunt: Goin' Bananas
Taunt: Goin' Bananas
1.97 Taunt: Spider Shuffle
Taunt: Spider Shuffle
1 Taunt: To Hell and Back!
Taunt: To Hell and Back!